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‘It’s like they just rolled out of bed’: Employers boost business etiquette training

July 22, 2024

Ideas around what constitutes socially acceptable behavior at work have shifted widely following the pandemic and in new hybrid arrangements.

AI is actually making workers less productive

July 24, 2024

Almost 80% of workers who use generative AI in their jobs said it has added to their workload, according to a new survey.

A year in: Nestlé employees save 45 minutes per week using internal generative AI

July 23, 2024

Nestlé's internal GenAI tool has had more than 7,000 users who generated 230,000 prompts in the last three months.


How HR leaders can tackle blindspots – like how workers are actually using AI

July 25, 2024

Companies are realizing the importance of auditing AI usage to avoid wasted resources and ensure productivity.

When it comes to work networking, is pickleball the new golf?

July 25, 2024

Pickleball-related spending on Brex grew 155% year over year from 2022 to 2023, and is on track for another record year in 2024.

How ‘agency learning days’ are transforming staff development

July 23, 2024

Agency Learning Days are engaging sessions on topics including point of care, out-of-home, innovation, data and tech.

AI is actually making workers less productive

July 24, 2024

Almost 80% of workers who use generative AI in their jobs said it has added to their workload, according to a new survey.

Employers back pop-up kids camps to help workers through summer child care woes

July 24, 2024

More companies are offering the benefit to make returning to the office less logistically difficult for staff.

A year in: Nestlé employees save 45 minutes per week using internal generative AI

July 23, 2024

Nestlé’s internal GenAI tool has had more than 7,000 users who generated 230,000 prompts in the last three months.

WTF Explainers

WTF is Shadow AI?

July 17, 2024

A 2024 report found that 27.4% of corporate data employees put into AI tools was sensitive, up from 10.7% a year ago.

WTF is app sprawl (and how does HR get organized)?

May 23, 2024

The average knowledge worker today uses approximately 30 apps per day and will context switch close to 3000 times in a single day. This is creating an unwieldy tech problem within organizations – known as app sprawl.

WTF is an unbossed culture? (and does it really drive productivity)

May 17, 2024

It’s not the complete elimination of managers, but more about making them less hands-on and granting staff more autonomy.

Special Edition
Gen Z Workforce: Reshaping Careers in the AI Era

From navigating wildly varied return-to-office policies in a post-pandemic working world in flux, to working in the shadows of AI, Gen Zers are creating a whole new workforce to suit their needs. This editorial series examines how AI will influence, reshape and evolve career development for this generation, and how exactly they’re using the tech for work.

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The Return

Editorial series

HR leaders with AI skills in high demand and getting major pay raises

July 17, 2024

Companies want HR leaders well-versed in AI to ensure the tools are integrated appropriately and ethically.

Sifting through ‘the noise’: AI tools for HR are evolving fast – here’s how to catch up

July 11, 2024

Evolving AI tools are transforming HR practices, but it requires execs to have their finger on the pulse.


‘More energized by their work’: How Shopify’s dual-track promotion plan is working out

March 27, 2024

Employers are seeing higher retention when successful individual contributors aren’t forced into management positions.

‘You get the union you deserve’: Middle managers need more help handling staff union efforts

March 18, 2024

In recent years white collar workers in some industries like tech have attempted to organize, putting their managers in a tricky situation.

‘Being a leader, I learned, is not easy’: The employees who left middle management

March 12, 2024

Over 40% of managers with less than two years of managerial experience are currently looking for new jobs.

Special Edition
WorkLife Awards

Company culture has never been more important for organizations looking to attract and retain the best talent and the strongest cultures are built on values that run deep throughout the organization. The WorkLife Awards will recognize the top employers and the values that make them unique.